





否認 事態がまったく消されている(denial)
圧縮 AさんとBさんが1人に合成
投影 Aさんが一方的に怒る(自分の怒りを投影) (projection)
置換 母親の代わりにAさんに愛着と憎悪を抱く (replacement)

Name of Defense MechanismDescriptionExample
Burying a painful feeling or thought from your awareness though it may resurface in symbolic form. Sometimes considered a basis of other defense mechanisms.
You can't remember your father's funeral.
DenialNot accepting reality because it is too painful.You are arrested for drunk driving several times but don't believe you have a problem with alcohol.
RegressionReverting to an older, less mature way of handling stresses and feelingsYou and your roommate have get into an argument so you stomp off into another room and pout
ProjectionAttributing your own unacceptable thoughts or feelings to someone or something elseYou get really mad at your husband but scream that he's the one mad at you.
SplittingEverything in the world is seen as all good or all bad with nothing in between.You think your best friend is absolutely worthless because he forgot a lunch date with you.
Isolation of affectAttempting to avoid a painful thought or feeling by objectifying and emotionally detaching oneself from the feelingActing aloof and indifferent toward someone when you really dislike that person
DisplacementChanneling a feeling or thought from its actual source to something or someone else.When you get mad at your sister, you break your drinking glass by throwing it against the wall.
Reaction FormationAdopting beliefs, attitudes, and feelings contrary to what you really believeWhen you say you're not angry when you really are.
RationalizationJustifying one's behaviors and motivations by substituting "good", acceptable reasons for these real motivationsI always study hard for tests and I know a lot of people who cheat so it's not a big deal I cheated this time.
AltruismHandling your own pain by helping others.After your wife dies, you keep yourself busy by volunteering at your church.
HumorFocusing on funny aspects of a painful situation.A person's treatment for cancer makes him lose his hair so he makes jokes about being bald.
SublimationRedirecting unacceptable, instinctual drives into personally and socially acceptable channelsIntense rage redirected in the form of participation in sports such as boxing or football
SuppressionThe effort to hide and control unacceptable thoughts or feelingsYou are attracted to someone but say that you really don't like the person at all
UndoingTrying to reverse or "undo" a thought or feeling by performing an action that signifies an opposite feeling than your original thought or feelingYou have feelings of dislike for someone so you buy them a gift

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